The pain in the right side in the back: causes, symptoms, treatment

All the pain, appeared in the right-hand side must be alert and attract attention. Generally, similar to a symptom is a worrying sign that in the body develops a condition which can be dangerous, not only for health but also for the life of the man. The more often this kind of pain linked to the internal organs, the spine and the digestion system, but may be the result of other diseases.

pain in the back

The person who has experienced pain in the right side, which gives in the leg or the back, it is necessary to listen to the sensations, to determine the nature of the pain, recognize the symptoms.

It is this will help to more precisely determine the cause of the syndrome of the pain and allow a person to assign the necessary treatment.

Diseases of the respiratory system

Pleural effusion

A pleural effusion is a disease characterized by inflammation of the sheets of the pleura. The pathology of the strikes as a visceral and parietal pleura. When pleurisy in the region of the chest is often an accumulation of fluid, which compresses the lungs, nerves and tissues, leading to the appearance of pain in the area of the right side.

The nature and location of the pain

The disease is characterized by the presence of the sting of the pain in the side, which appears when you exhale, cough, or tender. At the beginning of the disease, the pain is localized in the chest, but soon makes itself felt in the ribs, the side and back of the hand of defeat.

When the right-handed pleurisy pain, confides in the back as a result, localized to the right.

Other symptoms

In addition to the pain, which is the main symptom of pleurisy, the patient note in the signs of the disease:

  • dyspnea;
  • tightness in the chest;
  • strong suffocating cough dry;
  • low-grade fever (38°C).

The diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis and tactics of treatment is determined by the therapist or pulmonologist. If the development of the disease is preceded by injury, the need for the consultation of traumatologist.

For the diagnosis of the use of the following diagnostic activities:

  • the collecting of the anamnesis;
  • the physical examination of the patient;
  • x-ray;
  • CT;
  • functional study of external respiration;
  • thoracoscopy;
  • pleural puncture;
  • laboratory studies of biological materials (blood, urine, pleural fluid).

The treatment of the pathology lies in the application:

  • broad-spectrum antibiotic (when pleurisy infectious;
  • analgesics;
  • antitussive drug (with a strong cough);
  • tools for the cleaning of the organism.

Sometimes, when the significant change of the plots of the pleura is recommended a surgical treatment.


The inflammation of the lung tissue, and it is the alveoli, the bronchi, the connective tissue. Pneumonia can be two-way, left-side and right-handed. It is the inflammation of the tissues of the right lung may cause pain in the right side and the back.

The nature and location of the pain

The right side of the inflammation of the lung is characterized by dull pain in the right side, localized mainly in the right upper quadrant.

In the long course of the disease the pain is felt in the chest and the back of the hand of the affected organ.

Other symptoms

The first symptom of the pneumonia is the strong increase of the temperature up to important landmarks (to 39.5°C). Then, the patients reported signs of intoxication, which include:

  • weakness;
  • the decline in mental and physical activity.
  • the increase of perspiration, especially at night;
  • decreased appetite;
  • muscle pain, headaches and joint pain;
  • of the confusion.

The disease to a lung of the event:

  • a dry cough, which with time becomes a cough with the separation of the large amount of sputum;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in sternum, the intensity increases with inspiration.

In addition, the pneumonia may be accompanied by other signs:

  • the redness of the skin on the side of the lesion;
  • herpes on the side inflamed lung;
  • the pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • the disorder of the chair.

The diagnosis and treatment

If you are experiencing the symptoms described above , you must contact the pulmonologist, who will guide the inspection and the collection of the history and naming of the tools of diagnostic procedures, including:

the treatment of lung
  • x-rays;
  • CT;
  • the inspection of the bronchi;
  • studies clinical, biochemical, and bacteriological research of blood and sputum separated.

The treatment of pneumonia occurs in the hospital under the supervision of the medical staff.

The medical treatment consists of the use of antibiotics, vitamins and trace elements, expectorant drugs and bronchodilator drug fund.


A pathological condition characterized by the presence of air in the pleural cavity that compresses the lungs and leads to the cessation of organs respiratory of the act. If a large volume of the air occurs a shift of the heart and great vessels, which leads to significant violations of the circulation and of the breathing.

The nature and location of the pain

For the pneumothorax is characteristic of the acute pain in the chest that intensifies with inspiration.

Sometimes, the syndrome of the pain radiate to the shoulder and the back of the hand of the affected organ.

Other symptoms

On the beginning of the disease, said suddenly produced dyspnea. Then, the patient note:

  • a dry cough;
  • the tachycardia;
  • the emergence of cold sticky sweat on the body;
  • panic;
  • a general weakness.

A violation of the circulation and breathing is celebrated in a cyanosis of the skin.

At the opening of pneumothorax valve (air by an open wound of the thorax) during inhalation hear the whistle of the wound.

When you exhale, the air exits through an open wound.

The diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of the pathology consists of:

  • inspection of the patient;
  • the chest x-ray;
  • ct scan;
  • the study of blood gas;
  • The ECG.

The availability of small amount of air in the pleural cavity, in which the mechanism of breathing is not broken, usually does not require treatment.

In other cases, the treatment is of one of the following ways:

  • pleural puncture, in which air is sucked;
  • fix the drainage tubes;
  • the use of pain medications;
  • oxygen;
  • a surgical treatment.

Cancer of bronchus, lung

Cancer is the disease that occurs because of a rupture of the dividing cells. Characterized by uncontrolled division and multiplication of the tissue cells.

The nature and location of the pain

The pain in cancer of the bronchi, the lung does not have the particular device. Someone note acute tingling, someone who complains of aching, a permanent. Localized at the origin in the side of the part of the affected organ, the suite may give in the back, the groin, the sternum, the member.

The pain is characteristic of more advanced stages of the disease.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms can include:

  • cough, that appears periodically;
  • lethargy, fatigue;
  • the reduction or lack of appetite;
  • the strong weight loss;
  • the presence in the cough expectoration veins the blood;
  • hemoptysis.

The diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis and treatment of these diseases takes care of doctor-oncologist. To confirm the diagnosis using:

  • the collecting of the anamnesis and the physical examination of the patient;
  • x-rays;
  • CT and MRI scans;
  • the endoscopic studies;
  • blood tests for markers.

The most effective method of treatment is surgical removal of the tumor.

Thus, the use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy.

Diseases of the GASTROINTESTINAL organs


Acute cholecystitis

An inflammatory disease of the gallbladder, which usually develops due to the violation of the feeding and metabolic processes in the body.

The nature and location of the pain

The pain is localized in the right upper quadrant in the right side, may radiate in the back.

The disease is characterised by attacks of acute pain, which intensified after the ingestion.

Other symptoms

During the acute phase of the pathology marked:

  • hurray for the nausea;
  • vomiting (sometimes unique);
  • loose bowel movements (can also be the only one);
  • aftertaste of metal or bitterness in the mouth;
  • febrile temperature (above 38°c).

The diagnosis and treatment

When the symptom of acute cholecystitis is necessary to consult a therapist or a gastroenterologist. As a diagnostic use:

  • the collection of the anamnesis, inspection, palpation;
  • x-rays;
  • CT;
  • EGD (fibrogastroduodenoscopy);
  • microbiological analyses.

As therapy use:

  • antibiotics;
  • medicines against intestinal worms;
  • cholagogues drugs;
  • antispasmodic.


Dangerous surgical of the disease, which is an inflammation of the vermiform apophyse of the cecum. Because of the anatomical location of the appendix (in the region right iliac) the main symptom of pathology is a pain in the right side.

The nature and location of the pain

In most cases, the inflammation of the appendix is accompanied by a constant pain in the abdomen. At the beginning of the evolution of the disease, the pain can be felt through the belly, but already after a few hours, the pain is localized in the right side in the lower abdomen.

A progressive disease causes an unbearable pain and a number of other features.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms of appendicitis may be assigned:

  • periodic nausea;
  • single vomiting;
  • dryness of the mouth;
  • decreased appetite;
  • stools are soft (most often unique);
  • increasing the temperature to 39°c;
  • tachycardia.

In some cases, appendicitis is prolonged, show themselves as little pain in the right part of the abdomen below the ribs. Such pain is not stopped by anti-spasmodics, therefore, in the case of a suspicion of inflammation in need of emergency hospitalization.

Early intervention specialists leads to the rupture or gangrene of the appendix, and therefore, dangerous for the life of the state - peritonitis.

The diagnosis and treatment

Diagnose an inflamed appendix is can doctor, on the basis of complaints of the patient, collection of anamnesis. As an indicator of the disease serves as a significant increase in levels of white blood cells in the blood. Often use with the ultrasound of the organs in the peritoneum.

The treatment of appendicitis is the surgical removal inflamed the authority.

Lesions of the vertebral column, the spinal cord


the treatment of the back

Degenerate-dystrophic disease affecting the intervertebral discs.

The nature and location of the pain

The disease is characterized by long, pulling pain in the spine. With the disease of pain radiating into the back, the chest, the ribs, the lower back.

Other symptoms

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease is quite extensive.

The main symptom is the stiffness of the movement of the spinal cord and pain in different parts of the body.

The diagnosis and treatment

The identification of the degenerative disc disease is committed to a neurologist and a rheumatologist. Based on the complaints of the patient, the specialist refers to a number of diagnostic activities, which include:

  • x-rays;
  • CT;
  • MRI.

The multilateral approach, aims to reduce the inflammation, the treatment of pain. Use most often:

  • special protective;
  • analgesics;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • the vitamins and minerals.

The nature and location of the pain

When the spondylosis of the lumbosacral region, the patient finds fleeting pain (at the beginning of the disease) whining of the nature.

Usually, the pain is felt on the sides and back.

Other symptoms

The patient reported stiffness in the back, fatigue in the body, a throbbing pain in the spine. It is also noted an increase in pain during the changing of the weather.

The diagnosis and treatment

After the neurological examination of the patient recommend:

  • radiographic study of the spinal column;
  • the ct scan;
  • MRI.

The treatment may be with medication, physiotherapy and operational.

In all cases, the need for medical assistance?

Call a coach is urgently needed if:

  • appeared suddenly a sharp pain in the side and does not pass for 40 minutes;
  • the pain is accompanied by a profuse vomiting with blood, bitterness of the mouth, increased body temperature;
  • the pain is worse during movement;
  • sharp pain abruptly ceased;
  • the pain stopped antispasmodic;
  • published the blood in the urine;
  • the general condition deteriorated, consciousness confused.

The first aid

Due to the fact that the pain in the right side and the back is a symptom of many dangerous diseases, not just auto-give medications. When it hurts the right side and in the back, at the maximum, that expert advice, you can take a horizontal position and take a painkiller.

If after taking 1 tablet of the pain does not disappear, you have to call an ambulance. You can't take a lot of pain, because on the bottom of the medication, the clinical picture is lubricated, and makes it difficult to set the stage for a true diagnosis.

The pain in the right side, which gives in the back is a symptom that can be dangerous to the pathology in the human body.

Not worth self-medication and to wait what is going on. The timely treatment of these treatments can only restore the health of the man, but also to save his life.